You Better Have Faith, Because Luck Runs Out!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

First (and probably last) family bike ride of the season!!

We had the most beautiful weather here in Virginia!!! Perfect for the first (and probably last) family bike ride of the season!! So, as the laundry continued to multiple, the dishes continued to stack up and the back of the house continued growing mold (thank goodness for someone's "side" pressure washing business) we loaded up the bikes and were off to the Great Dismal Swamp.  Don't let the name Great Dismal Swamp fool you, it is absolutely beautiful.  Imagine a forest, with all types of trees, greenery, flowers, etc... and a perfectly smooth paved trail right through the middle of it all.  A lot of people had the same idea as we did; families on bikes, runners, walkers and people having picnics. Off we go!  Joe was leading the pack, Mk in the middle and me bringing up the rear.  About 1/4 into the ride, Mk; "daddy, we need to stop for water".  Joe responded, "I can still see the car, we haven't even gone a mile." Well, it didn't matter to her.... There a a picnic table on the trail and that meant you were supposed to stop and have a drink (Mk wins, stop number one).  We are off again!  Mk actually did quiet well and we made it one whole mile before there in, plain sight, was bench (yep, you know who won....Stop number two). So after a few sips of water and a "rest" we began our journey, again.  We were talking about the trees and what type of animals might be living in the forest, bushes and swamp, when all of a sudden Mk started taking a "detour" off the smoothly, paved road and down the side embankment.  I froze, Joe Froze and fear had taken over Mk's face.  I started yelling "Put your brakes on", Joe started yelling "Push your petal backwards" and Mk started screaming "I Can't" as she dropped her feet to the ground, in hopes she could drag her toes and stop.  Well, she had picked up enough "speed" that the "toe trick" was not going to help.  In the blink of an eye she had flipped over her handle bars, did two rolls and landed head first (upside down) in a hole.  By this time Joe had already thrown his bike down and was in a full on sprint.  He had to grab her by the legs to pull her out.  Only when he pulled her out, she was soaking wet.  The "hole" was at least three feet deep and full of water.  The fear on sweet Mk's face brought tears to my eyes and panic to Joe's whole body, not to mention she was in total shock and soaking wet.  The thing is, this hole was maybe two-three feet wide and was practically covered by a rock.  When joe pulled her out by her feet, she had cuts and scraps all over and thank goodness I MADE her wear a helmut.  I, for some reason, had packed a backpack with extra clothes, so I changed her, wiped her scrapes, cleaned her glasses and daddy held her till she was ready to venture back.  She said "I am not getting back on that bike and you can give it away", so the "ride/walk" bike took even longer.  Needless to say, daddy promised her a trip to the toy store and an icy to make things better.  I thank god for the extra angels that day, because the outcome could have been a lot worse.  I just think, what if there would have been a cement block down there or what if there would have been sharp objects sticking out of the ground.... I know I shouldn't necessarily think that way, but from now on, Mk will be the one wrapped in bubble wrap.  The new "bubble girl".  So, that was the adventure of our first (and last) family bike ride of the season.  Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, with adventure!!
Here are some pictures of the "Event".  They were taking with Joe's camera phone.


You Better Have Faith, Because Luck Runs Out!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I think my heart stopped for a minute or two reading this! Meganne, Thank God she is ok!! Poor MK!!
