You Better Have Faith, Because Luck Runs Out!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cloud Nine to Melt down

Well, well.... Mk has been on cloud nine since 9 p.m Saturday night (yep, I got the "cool mom" award because that is an hour and a half past her "normal" bed time).  Why you ask?  G.G. and PawPaw made a "surprise" visit all the way from Florida.  Needless to say, Joe and I were chopped-liver for the rest of the weekend.  Sunday was a beautiful day, so we took G.G. and PawPaw to "Mount Trashmore".... My dad's response "Why the hell are you guys playing on a Land Fill, you know how many toxins you are probably breathing in?" Mk's response, "Geez PawPaw, take a deep breath, it is just for fun".  For those of you who have never been "exposed" to Mount Trashmore, it is a "Landfill" and a historic one at that.  Just look it up ( 
Monday, Mk asked me, "mommy, can you have duty, like daddy?  G.G. really wants to babysit me and PawPaw wants to take me to HIS favorite store (according to her, his favorite store is Toys R Us)."  Even though I was not able to "participate" in Duty, I did work half a day and then was able to come home and spend some time with G.G./PawPaw and their little Hemi (Mk).  We dyed Easter Eggs (which for the record, next year Mk will have hers eggs and I will have my eggs.  I am way to OCD to let her mix colors, designs, etc...), we painted a bird house (again, WAY to OCD to participate in non-structured painting) and played I-Spy. G.G. has the patients of, well, whatever has a lot of patients and then times it by 10.  I wish I could even have half of her patients. Mary, like her momma, is a worrier... Every few hours she would ask, "G.G., you don't leave today, right?" G.G. would calmly respond, not until Tuesday evening.  However, I will be flying back up for your birthday in a few weeks."  It was so relaxing to have G.G./PawPaw here, everyday they had a wonderful dinner cooked with extras to be frozen for one of our many nights as "just two".  It gets hard sometimes being sooo far away from family, so when they are able to visit it is like a breath of fresh air. As Monday came to a close and Mk was in bed at her normal time (totally lost the cool mom card here) it was time to sit and relax for a few minutes with G.G. going over new house "layouts", decorating ideas, etc... The house will most definitely have blank walls until she is back up for Mk's Bday. She can arrange and decorate a house like Maratha Stewart (just another jealousy point).
After work on Tuesday, as I pulled into the driveway, Mk met me at the door saying, "mommy, shhhhh I hid G.G.'s Sweater so she can't leave".  You see, G.G./PawPaw were going to leave when I got home from work, so they could make it to Uncle Luke's house before dark.  Well, let the melt down begin... "G.G., don't leave me here, take me with you." As if she is "made" to clean and cook and scrub the floors like Cinderella.  G.G. calmly brought her back inside and "explained" for the 100th time the "action plan" to be back for her birthday. No Nap + G.G./PawPaw leaving = Drastic Measures Needed. I tried the bribe thing, the time-out thing (total joke anyway), the "I am going to leave you outside" thing and finally I caved in with "extra dessert" thing.  I know, horrible, but if that is all it took to get her out of the front yard flailing around like a baby bird out of its nest, then here eat the whole damn Easter basket of candy from Aunt Mo.  Once she finished dinner and the sugar-crashed had set in, it was off to bed for books (an hour early, I might add).  So, at 6:30 p.m. and half-way through "Blueberries for Sal" Mk was snoring in my ear.

Well, not tons to report, However it was SOOO NICE to have my parents here this weekend!!!

You better have faith, because luck runs out

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!
    wanted to let you know I'm having a fabulous TUTU giveaway on my Party/Craft blog!
    if you know anyone interested please let them know!
    thank you :)
